Customer Service is Key

Daniel McCartney

With a focus on being able to provide better customer service, eight months ago, Daniel McCartney made the move from a national dealership to UConsignEquip as the Selling Agent for the Lower Mainland of BC.

“I like where I work. It’s been a good change for me, the transition is one I’ve been really happy with,” shared McCartney. In comparison with a large dealership, “It’s small but a good team with a great work environment.”

“You have to be more awake and tuned in to your customers to provide good service with UCon – there’s an added level of expectation in terms of customer service.” He goes on to explain, ”More customer service is required because you’re working with more parties.”

Representing the seller and the buyer means carefully negotiating a fair deal. It requires sourcing equipment to list, assessing it to determine a fair market value, managing leads and potential buyers, negotiating a fair deal and completing the transaction to meet the expectations of both the sellers and the buyers.

“I enjoy that more than just selling what we have on the lot,” McCartney continues. 

UConsignEquip is currently hiring more selling agents to expand into new territories and markets.

“This isn’t a typical 9-5 desk job where there’s an obligation to go into the office every day. We’re responsible for our own time and success. Every day we are working in the territory, traveling to gain new business. There’s so much territory for a salesman to go and grow the business. We are always turning over rocks, introducing customers to who we are and what we do.”

For professional salespeople looking for a change, this could be their next move. “It’s really refreshing. Dealerships generally offer a good level of service, but sometimes established businesses have left negative impressions that new salespeople have to overcome in order to meet their targets. UCon is new, so we have a blank slate and every opportunity to make a good impression.”

Being a new business also provides interesting challenges. “Overall there’s a sense of skepticism when people first learn about our services,” explains McCartney. “Once our foot is in the door, and the first deal is completed, we leave them with a positive impression. They are especially impressed with how much we take off their plates and how easy we make it for them.” 

The proof is in the pudding, “I’ve experienced more referrals based on the level of service we provide. I listed a truck a few weeks ago that had been the third referral in a chain of recommendations.” 

It’s not just the service we on the team provide, but the accompanying services, like the financing vendors, getting transportation quotes through Trusted Dispatch, working with international brokers to move equipment across the US border… our team is bigger than just the folks at UCon. Karl has developed strong relationships across the industry and its all to benefit our customers.” 

Daniel not only made the move to UConsignEquip in the summer of 2021, but just a year before he moved from Edmonton, AB to Greater Vancouver. One of the advantages of newly relocated representatives are fresh eyes and perspective. 

“Unlimited potential, is what Karl promised, and he was exactly right,” McCartney explains. “We aren’t limited to any one specific industry or sector. We provide a level of service that covers mining, construction, forestry/logging, transportation, oil field, and so many more.”

Daniel’s territory includes the Lower Mainland, the Thompson Okanagan, and currently the North Peace Region, until a new Selling Agent is hired for Northern BC. 

If you’re interested in working for UConsignEquip, check out this job posting and reach out directly to Karl at 250-900-2555. If you’re interested in selling equipment from your work fleet, call the same number and ask for Daniel or join here and learn more about our premium selling services.

Daniel McCartney. Selling Agent focused on Customer SErvice

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